Commando Krav Maga

Official Combat Commando Krav Maga Canada Corp.

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Boot-Fit Camp Programs

Total Officer Protection
Total Officer Protection (T.O.P)
Our CKM Total Officer Protection (TOP) Program equips officers to subdue suspects, protect themselves and minimize liabilities. TOP officers are staying safe and better protecting their communities through Commando Krav Maga principles.
Techniques & Tactics
CKM Law Enforcement is considered by many experts to be the most evolved and effective hand-to-hand combat system, designed for law enforcement & security personnel. With an emphasis on control, restraint & close-quarter fighting, TOP will give you the skills and knowledge to protect yourself and preserve the public peace while using the required amount of force to avoid liability.
Restraint & Control Tactics
Escorting Uncooperative Suspects
Handcuffing Techniques
Baton Tactics
Control & Search a Suspect
Putting Resistant Suspect in a Car
Weapon Retention
Handgun Disarming
Long Gun Disarming
Retrained and arrest tactics with and without the use of handcuffs
Vicious Knife Attacks
Ambush Knife Attacks
Ground Survival
Fast and Brutal Striking Scenarios
Escape from Unexpected Street-Holds
Break Falls
Pre/Post Confrontation Tactics
Situational Awareness
Fear Psychology
Extreme Conflict Mindset
and more…
Acquire the tools and knowledge to get into your best physical and mental shape by attending Smart Safe CKM classes.